Starset - Horizons tour 2023

The cinematic-rock collective that is Starset, led by founder and frontman Dustin Bates has finally made it back to the UK after their last tour on the DIVISIONS album (like all artists at the time) was cut short and wowsers what a truly immersive experience fans had at KK's Steelmill in Wolverhampton on Thursday, 2nd March 2023.

Kicking the night off, the support band Smash Into Pieces (also known as SIP) are an epic alternative-rock band from Sweden and feel like the perfect match to be touring alongside Starset. You will find yourself completely enthralled by these guys, from the divine and unreal vocal range of lead singer Chris Adams, to the captivating energy of Benjamin Jennebo and Per Bergquist on the guitar/bass and vocals. Not to mention the commanding persona that is DJ Apoc (otherwise known as the Apocalypse DJ), sporting the SIP logo that is lit up on the mask they are wearing and is a firm fan favourite within the band. Starting their set with a mash up of 'Wake Up' and 'Glow in the Dark' these guys are evidently a futuristic rock outfit drawing on virtual reality that will hypnotise you the entire time. They also play songs like 'Let Me Be Your Superhero' and 'Boomerang' during the set, whilst taking the time to thank Starset for bringing them on this tour and everyone in the room for rocking out with them. Chris makes a very poignant statement, "during these hard times it's even more important that we all stick together as one, for example, in this room we share the love of music, am I right?" a reminder that music is extremely powerful in so many ways. Crowds fists up in the air, SIP finish their last song with the aid of the crowd singing "woah oh-oh-oh's" and a picture with the fans before the end of their time on stage. This band have surely walked away with a host of new fans from the night and the tour with Starset and most certainly performed beyond expectations for their old fans who were also in the room.

Curtain up in front of the stage, lights down, the hum through the speakers as the music begins and the anticipation in the air make for a 'blow the roof off' roaring moment as the curtain drops and Starset come onto stage to begin the demonstration. Opening with track 'Carnivore' from the Transmissions era of 2014, the band are clearly delighted to be back performing for us here in the UK. Fans in the room are equally excited, completely fascinated by every aspect going on on the stage.

Lead vocalist and frontman Dustin mentions the evidently missing Ron from the stage still doing everything he can to be a part of this tour despite having hurt his arm and thus not being able to play the bass, resting off to the side of the stage "sitting down like an announcer" still providing vocals. Now that's dedication! Hope you heal quick and get back to shredding the bass again soon Ron! Kind of ironic says Dustin, as last year they decided to bring out Cory Juba, the seventh member, to try and make things more live, providing more of the auxiliary, synths and electronics for the live performance which add a whole new layer to the Horizons tour demonstration experience.

Now that's all on top of the string instruments (Zuzana on cello and Siobhán on violin) which makes the feel for the cinematic side of Starset's music feel like you're watching something like War of the Worlds on the big screen with the live orchestra. Everything about this gig, this demonstration and tour is extremely well planned and executed, giving the fans more than anyone could have asked for. Varying video clips continue to play one the screen behind the band throughout the evening, switching between clips of the band from different angles on the stage to clips of the moon and more that easily compliment every track. Feeding into their futuristic paradigm, Starset cleverly utilise this video screen to present the viewer (crowd in this instance) with an informative broadcast on a device called a BMI between songs around half way through the set (go check out Starset's site for a more in-depth look into their aesthetic). This provides not only another element to the whole event, but also a means for the whole band to do a quick costume change from the apocalyptic feel to a space traveller vibe with Adam Gilbert (drummer) and Brock Richards (guitar) and Cory sporting a spacesuit-like helmet.

Heading into track 'Devolution' from the album tour Horizons, Dustin has the crowd practice the "woah ah-oh-ah-oh" to help sing this one, talking about how he has seen soccer (sorry football!) on tv and the UK's ability to raise the bar on joining in, getting the crowd to sing it again one more time before the track really gets flowing with the crowds help. And with no end to their talents, two single drums are played by Dustin and Adam to the front of the stage with the lights down low and a hard hitting beat echoing around the room, yet another layer in this epic encounter. There are other moments within the evening where the fans are graced with just the sound of the string instruments, highlighting the unrivalled excellence and stunning sound they produce. A sound that sets Starset apart as they combine this more traditional or old school class of musicality with a more modern electronic feel with the skills of guitars, bass, keyboard and synths, which when combined with the drums and vocals make for an otherworldly and harmonic modulation.

Expressing their gratitude to the fans here at KK's Steelmill before heading into the last song 'My Demons', Dustin thanks the crowd for being here, for the support of Smash Into Pieces and that the whole band cannot wait to come back again soon. Well Starset, neither can we!

Almost leaving the stage, but coming back around to give us something before we all leave, Dustin throws a bow tie into the crowd and the whole band wave a heartfelt goodbye, much to all of our dismay that the evening had come to an end. You must check out a Starset gig, it is without question, an immersive experience unlike any other gig you have ever been to. Starset, we are ready for the next demonstration!

Gallery coming soon!

Check out Smash Into Pieces and Starset on streaming and social media platforms;

Smash Into Pieces - Spotify / Instagram / Facebook / Website

Starset - Spotify / Instagram / Facebook / Website