Who Saves The Hero?, Don't Panic! & The Thomas Nicholas Band

Three down right awesome bands graced the stage at one rockin' venue in Milton Keynes as I caught Who Saves The Hero?, Don't Panic! and The Thomas Ian Nicholas Band in action on March 30th 2024.

Who Saves The Hero?, (how cool of a band name is that!) are a three-piece band from South Wales, formed of Josh Frederick (Vocals/Guitar), Nicky-Hughes Rhys (Bass) and Dan West (Drums). These guys are a throwback to alternative pop-punk with a fusion of infectiously energetic rhythmic breakdowns with the most catchy choruses. Still hot off their latest EP release, 'A Collection of Thoughts & Feelings', jam packed with six incredible old and new pop-punk fuelled music jumping out the speakers. Highly relatable lyrics, their tracks performed live and in person are jam-packed with high-energy, smiles and a super fun and contagious energy you will never want to end. 'It's All Me Me Me' is one such track where the lyrics, riffs, drumbeats and every element of the bands skill and talent are a seamlessly unified and cohesive arrangement. Head-bopping, fun and a testament to both the classic sounds of pop-punk we're all so very familiar with alongside Who Saves The Hero?'s fresh energetic take will have you hooked from the get go.

Taking to the stage, Don't Panic! are greeted with such open arms by the crowd as the excitement to see them on this final stop on #TheNakedAttracTour in this epic venue that is The Craufurd Arms in Milton Keynes. Gracing the stage on this epic evening of awesome pop-punk filled music, Ted Felicetti (Vocals/Guitar), Zach Fallow (Bass/Vocals), AJ Larsen (Guitar/Vocals) and Anthony Paesano (Drums), who hail from Pennsylvania are ready to rock the house down. The band mention this being the final stop on this amazing tour here in MK and what a better place to be?! Thanking the support from Who Saves The Hero?, the room fills with applause from both the crowd and all bands performing this evening, what a start to the night there were! Ted also mentions how awesome it has been for them all and an absolute pleasure to tour with Thomas Nicholas, going on to mention that "we're all baseball kids. It's nice to bookend my life now on tour with him!".

Joking around the fact that Ted is the one who sorts out the setlist, the guys have a good giggle when he mentions the next song is off the new album, when wait a minute! it's not quite that track just yet. "It's quite funny" says Ted, "cause I write the set list. This next one is actually off our first album" to which immediately after that track, AJ grins to the crown and Ted and says "now this next one is off our new album!", sending the whole room into a giggle fest, guessing the 9-date non-stop tour up and down the UK has caught up with you eh Ted and who can blame you, with night-after night of insanely entertaining gigs. Going into a double helping from the latest album, 'Setting Up to Fail' and performing tracks like 'The Long Way' and 'Black & Blue & White' that the guys hope the crowd dig and beyond a shadow of a doubt do they!

Talking about a previous EP full of cover tracks and how much fun they had putting that together, they're doing it again! Though this time, all songs picked will be the tracks that were number ones on the years you were born, "so let's give this a try in England, and see how it goes along" with the year of AJ and 1987, going on to immerse you in an epic well-known bopping tune, 'Jessie's Girl'. Nostalgic and completely engaged, the crowd are lapping up every note, word, beat and smile from these guys. What a treat of an evening!

The most gracious and epic of bands, the boys of Don't Panic! talk about the giveaway they've put on for this tour, picking someone out of the list of those who have taken up the VIP opportunity across all the dates/venues on the tour and picking a random winner for.....a signed drum head! and having done the draw just before coming on stage, the winner only happens to be from the VIP's from tonight, wow! Sure helps with saving on mailing they joke. The anticipation of finding out exactly who waits until the very last moment at the end of the evening, though a clue from the band as they say "the first letter of their name starts with the alphabet!".

Thanking everyone who has come to see them perform, the band are so grateful, as it means the world for everyone who has been able to come out on any of the stops along the tour. Having performed some absolute tunes throughout the evening from 'Woe I' to 'Fall of '99', for the last track on the setlist, help of the crowd is enlisted as everyone so far on the tour has done a really good job at this part as a practice of "Woah-oh-oh's" echo around the room in readiness to join in. Now just like that, "Anthony is gonna help you make it nice and loud. You guys ready?!" as Ted mentions that's definitely the best one! Sometime soon they'll be back, so until then, "here we go, your part" as those "woah-oh-ohs'" fill the room again and again throughout the final song, as rock hands go up, head-bopping and dancing graces the floor and the energy in the room skyrockets before the guys depart the stage.

Thankfully the night is not over yet as Thomas Nicholas (Vocals/Guitar) is joined by guitarist Billy Taylor and Don't Panic!'s very own bassist Zach Falkow and Who Saves The Hero?'s drummer, Dan West. "Hello hello hello, we got just the setlist for you!" as Thomas goes to strike a chord on the guitar before going on to chat with the crowd how he's off to a great start as the guitar and speakers appear not to be wanting to communicate with each other. Bending down to try and solve the problem with the help of Billy, coming back up to inform the crowd it would appear that the volume was all the way down on the guitar, full red-faced smiles from the band and Thomas, alongside jokes made you'll have to be at the gig to hear (hint; edging on the naughty side). Guitars blaring out the speakers, the band and the crowd truly ready to continue this pop-punk rock-fest evening, Thomas kicks off the setlist with a true banger, 'Stifler's Mom'. Going on to do a shout out to Ted of Don't Panic! for the next song, him unaware of what's about the happen, "this one's for you Ted!" as they blast 'All The Small Things' into the crowd.

Having played this very venue back in 2015, the same year the album 'Security' was released (though the gig would have been before the albums release at the time), so the album and song 'Security' would not have been played yet then either, Thomas talks about how stoked he is to be back in MK and here at The Craufurd Arms before going on to play that very song, 'Security'. Surely a fulfilling and full-circle moment for Thomas, finishing the song and joking with the crowd "you're welcome!". Recieving the reply from fans "thank you!". Want to know what the joke is? Well, you've got to be part of the VIP crowd for that one, with everyone giggling like when you pull a prank on someone, you'll be first in line at the next VIP for the next tour itching to find out as this match of back and forth "thank you's" and "you're welcomes" go between Thomas and the crowd. A sign that the VIP sessions and gigs in general with Thomas and the band are always going to end up being one of the most awesome evenings full of jokes, laughs and an outright rockin' good time.

Asking the crowd "shall we induct the cool kids into the club?" the crowd says "no!!!" with smiles all around, as Thomas talks about American Pie and if you didn't already know that this next one was in that very movie, you don't get to join the club, as the track continues to rack up an endless number streams and is probably their biggest song so far! Speaking of big news, the new album, 'We're Gonna Be Okay' is due for release mid-May 2024 and is available to pre-order now, with the latest single released in October of 2023.

Taking a moment to thank and welcome Dan on drums to this tour, pulling double duty as part of Who Saves The Hero? and helping Thomas' band out, it takes a moment for Thomas to make out the chants of the crowd, "Dan, Dan, Dan, Dan...." as Thomas then says "welcome to the Dan show!". "That was what you call the perfect Segway into this next song" and has all the feels, 'Same Kids'. A song you'll really feel the hit with, also wanting to groove along and sing your heart out to. Before continuing the tug on the heart strings to bring up on a stage a young lady who is a stunning singer to join the band on stage as Thomas jokes that they've had plenty of practice and prep time for this, not! Also the first person to have Thomas' logo tattooed, Cherese sings the house down, jumping with ferocious and high-octane energy, much to the delight of the other fans in the room and what a joy to watch too! It's always a pleasure and heart-warming to see bands like Thomas' welcome fans on stage with them with welcoming arms to jam out together.

According to Thomas, the most important part of the show (accompanied by a heartbeat of drums), is this, as he bends down to tie his shoe laces up, the crowd clapping along to the drums and laughter once again filling the air, before talking about the story behind the next song and the music video shot for it in a parking lot in Santa Cruz, alongside one of the oldest skate parks in the world (also in Santa Cruz). Having mentioned before to some, before the YouTube of today, MTV and countless shows and 15 years of music, Thomas has now signed his very first record deal which he mentions is the definition of an overnight success, as the crowd erupt into a roar and round of applause at this exciting and well-deserved news.

'Never Enough' featuring Aaron Jones having dropped not too long ago, in February 2024, Thomas expresses how much this means to him and the "opportunity to share my dark thoughts with you. We all have them and I encourage you to talk to someone. It's important." before hitting us with such grace through his words, the notes and track as a whole, a clear message that it really is ok to have bad days and these not so great thoughts, as long as you talk to someone, process it and break through to the light. Music really is a healer, as much as it's great to rock out to and have a good time, it also brings people together from all walks of life and creates an indescribable vibe in a room. This track in particular is such a beautiful message, starting slow before the chorus kicks in and blows you away.

This set has it all with Thomas and the band, from doing important shoe lace tying to story time at varying points throughout, Thomas also has the crowd hanging on his every word as he says "standby! we have to have a band meeting" and more importantly to the band "you guys keep walking away from the band meeting, I can't help you!" before coming back to the crowd and telling us all how lucky everyone is, there's still three more songs!

One last story from Thomas and the giggles at himself have the room in fits of laughter as he talks about the mix-up on the bus being loaded up between gigs where he thought the van call was for around 2.30pm that day, waking around an hour beforehand thinking he had all the time in the world only to find out he barely had any time to get sorted and be ready to roll out with the van call not being 2.30pm but indeed 1.30pm. Needless to say, they were late but with a smile like Thomas', and the camaraderie of all the bands mustering together and getting down for this one last evening to rock the house down.

An evening full of fun, laughter and absolute bangers to rock out to, the night finishes on a real high with the announcement of the winner of the drum head as Billy mentions "we're all gonna sign it...so when the show finishes now, don't leave yet!" and the lucky winner of this amazing prize....Congrats goes to Natasha! of the MK VIP group on this tour. Bringing all three bands back on to stage for an insane, chaotic and electric last song of the tour as a whole, there is so much gratefulness and smiles filling the room even more from the ceiling to the floor as they jam this one last song all together. An epic final party-esque evening full of fun and laughter, jokes and heart warming moments you won't want to miss out on, so catch all these bands in action soon as they'll always put on a night to remember!

Check out the full gallery of images via the link below!

Check out the band on streaming and social media platforms;

Who Saves The Hero? - Spotify / Instagram / Facebook

Don't Panic! - Spotify / Instagram / Facebook

The Thomas Nicholas Band - Spotify / Instagram / Facebook